miniblog: October 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Grisham's New "Innocent Man" a True Tale

"'I was struck by just the compelling nature of the story - it had small town, it was about a trial gone wrong, prosecution not right, man who was mentally ill and a good baseball player.'

The story made Grisham - who is against the death penalty - want to get out of his seat and practice law again . . ."
Why do we close our eyes for a few moments when something really, really wonderful happens? I mean, biologically? What purpose could it serve?
Every weekend lately, I’ve been doing nothing but spending some quality time with the couch, watching movies/TV/documentaries/toodling around on the internet. Physically, I know this is beneficial, because I ride my bike to and from school M-W (10 miles a day), plus workout 2-3X/wk, plus now walk all over creation (ie downtown) while working for the PDO Thurs and Fri. I know my body needs to stop and do nothing.

But I’m still having trouble giving myself permission to do nothing and just rest. Strangely, it makes the weekend simply fly by. And that really, really, really sucks. Any tips?

Friday, October 20, 2006

some requisite law school humor

My most favoritist blog in the world right now

Chris Stangl's Permanent Monday:

"A week of Garfield. Every week. Until we die."

Sunday, October 15, 2006

the propaganda remix project

I love everything on this site. The war-poster parodies are viciously - and deliciously - sharp.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I like to tinker with HTML, and have just changed up my site layout. With all the different browsers out there (and the fact that I work on a mac), I'm sure something is bound to trip up.

So if something looks strange, or wonky, or whatever, I would very much appreciate your letting me know via comment. Thank you in advance!!

it's wonderful, wonderful

Speaking of the news out of Florida (via PD Stuff), NALDA has this encouraging information:

"Rep. Scott (R-GA) and Sen. Durbin (D-IL) have introduced legislation in the House (H.R. 198) and Senate (S. 2039) that would extend to public defenders and prosecutors the same program of student loan repayment assistance as is already available to federal government attorneys and congressional staff . . ."

Tired of looking at someone?

Call a politician and have them arrested!

I'm being careful so can't say more, but unfortunately, stuff like this doesn't only happen in Dallas. Like you're surprised.