might I suggest . . .
Looking for the perfect digital camera? Willing to spend about $300 (the bottom-end price of all decent digital cameras out in the world today)?
I whole-heartedly and enthusiastically suggest the Sony DSC F707, my camera of choice.
I have had ZERO problems with it in my 5-6 years of ownership. It has done nothing but blow me away, producing images so crisp and clean that it continues to surprise and amaze me.
As I said in my Megapixels Schmegapixels post (see below), its 5.4 mp are more than enough, and its lens is too die for. Plus it feels so good to hold, with either one hand or two (and it looks really good when you pull it out; everyone is like, "Oooh, are you a professional photographer?!?!"). The movie capability is nice, as well; in fact, all my "video-ed" assignments for school have been completed using its MPEG feature. I'll soon be posting some videos made with it to this site, as well.
The only drawback? It's an older model, and so the shutterspeed lags a bit. But that's it!! I mean, this baby cost me $1500 back in 2001, and now it's at $300!!! Buy these beautiful creatures before someone realizes that they're giving them away!!
I whole-heartedly and enthusiastically suggest the Sony DSC F707, my camera of choice.
I have had ZERO problems with it in my 5-6 years of ownership. It has done nothing but blow me away, producing images so crisp and clean that it continues to surprise and amaze me.
As I said in my Megapixels Schmegapixels post (see below), its 5.4 mp are more than enough, and its lens is too die for. Plus it feels so good to hold, with either one hand or two (and it looks really good when you pull it out; everyone is like, "Oooh, are you a professional photographer?!?!"). The movie capability is nice, as well; in fact, all my "video-ed" assignments for school have been completed using its MPEG feature. I'll soon be posting some videos made with it to this site, as well.
The only drawback? It's an older model, and so the shutterspeed lags a bit. But that's it!! I mean, this baby cost me $1500 back in 2001, and now it's at $300!!! Buy these beautiful creatures before someone realizes that they're giving them away!!
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